"Repair and rebuild from the inside out after babies birth"
Tuesday & Friday
or Monday & Thursday
at 10.30am
We're currently experiencing a high demand for our postnatal classes. To ensure you secure a spot, please don't wait until the last minute to enquire about available spaces. If you're interested in joining, we encourage you to add your name to the waitlist as soon as possible. You can easily do this by clicking on any of the 'Get Started' buttons!

Why Join Us
Our postnatal strength and fitness program is designed specifically for new and repeat Mums, to help strengthen and rebuild after your babies birth, from the inside out.
Our program focuses on restoring core and pelvic floor function, and rebuilding full-body strength, ensuring a safe and effective recovery after the remarkable journey of pregnancy and childbirth.
The program is personalized to suit your unique stage of postpartum recovery. We keep track of all your exercises, sets, reps, and weights, ensuring you're progressing in the best way possible for you.
The program gently progresses every 4 weeks, and by the end, you’ll be more than ready to return to your usual gym routine or join our Small Group Coaching - whether as a returning member or a brand-new joiner!
To prioritize your individual needs, our classes are intentionally limited to a maximum of 8 participants, with your spot guaranteed for each session of the term.
Amidst the ocean of misinformation and conflicting advice around postnatal recovery, our expert pre- and postnatal specialist coaches offer guidance grounded in the latest research, in a supportive and personalized environment tailored to your unique postpartum fitness goals.
Join us as we empower you to strengthen and rebuild after babies birth, offering a trustworthy and personalized strength and fitness experience like no other. You can rest assured that you’re in the safest hands, whether you’re returning to exercise or starting from scratch!
While the postpartum period is a special time for you and your baba, don’t forget to do something that’s just for you, mama!
What Next
To join in, you must be at least 6 weeks postpartum (8 weeks for C-section) and have clearance from either your doctor, midwife or physiotherapist to return or begin to exercise.
It's never too late to join in. We have had some Mums join us nine months after giving birth. Better late than never!
Mammies get their workout done in a safe and controlled environment, while babies chill, sleep, do some tummy time, or all of the above!
Babies can hang out in their buggies, prams, car seats, or stay at home altogether with the babysitter! We also have foam playmats where they can chill and play. Whatever Mammy thinks best.
If you have any follow up questions or specific concerns before joining in, please get in touch using the contact form below.
See you and baba in the gym!

Pregnancy Strength & Fitness
Rest assured Mammies, our coaches are both certified Pregnancy and Postpartum Correction Exercise Specialist, so you will be well taken care of in the months before and the years after babies birth.
Expectant Mums can join in with our regular classes, safe in the knowledge that all of the exercises will be modified and scaled to suit you and your pregnancy timeline.
Check out our Small Group Coaching schedule and membership options here.
See you in the gym!